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Mobile Ads

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Mobile Ad Experts

In 2016, mobile web browsing overtook desktop browsing for the first time in history. With mobile browsing accounting for the majority of internet traffic, advertisers need to account for a mobile user experience as well as how mobile browser behavior differs from desktop behavior. At StickyLeads, we understand how to create and deliver mobile advertising that works. By using innovative targeting techniques and analytics, we deliver compelling ads to consumers who are most likely to become your customers or clients. Let us optimize your Mobile ad spend by converting taps into sales-qualified leads.

2 Years Ago

The number of search queries on mobile devices has surpassed the number of searches on desktop…

Optimized Mobile Advertising

Mobile advertising differs in many important ways from desktop advertising – not least of which is the amount of screen real estate that you have to work with. The expert creatives at StickyLeads design ads that are eye-catching, compelling, and deliver information that drives consumer behavior.

Pinpoint Targeting Accuracy

Today’s mobile ad platforms allow advertisers to target consumers with pinpoint accuracy. At StickyLeads, we don’t just use geography to create an audience profile. We conduct a thorough analysis of our clients’ target market and deliver ads that appeal to individuals based on age, income, interests, marital status, and other demographic factors.

Retargeting Mobile Users

Retargeting is the process of identifying users that have visited your site and serving them with ads while they browse the internet or use other apps. At StickyLeads, we use advanced retargeting techniques to help keep your brand top of mind for customers may have gotten away in the past. Reactivate these potential customers and turn them into qualified leads.

Mobile Ad Success

Smartphone and tablet browsing is not going anywhere – it’s already taken hold as the central computing device in the US. With the majority of browsing already occurring on mobile devices, businesses that don’t engage in mobile-specific advertising are losing a major chunk of the market. The team at StickyLeads is comprised of digital marketing experts who are committed to creating and delivering mobile ads that maximize our clients’ ROI. Our cutting-edge mobile advertising techniques targets audiences who are likely to buy your product or service. More leads, less spend, mobile ad success.

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