
The Sticky Times

Writing Better Landing Page Copy In 2021

Writing Better Landing Page Copy In 2021

Let’s face it – in the fast-paced world of business, you have a limited amount of time to convince someone to make a purchase, and, on the Internet, the competition is fierce. Landing pages, ad design, & creative content all need to come together to impact the reader, but they often fail to do just […]

SEO vs. SEM – What Is The Difference?

SEO vs. SEM – What Is The Difference?

When it comes to online marketing, some folks are willing to utilize every trade trick to help generate business. However, marketing can be challenging to direct and can also get expensive. Fortunately, there are cost-effective marketing strategies and also times when a more significant investment can pay off. Whether to pay for advertising or not […]

What’s The Deal With Mobile-First Indexing?

What’s The Deal With Mobile-First Indexing?

Google now bases site rankings only on the mobile version—and it’s easy to see why. Over the last few years, Google has demonstrated deliberate efforts to make websites more mobile-friendly owing to behavior trends. According to Statista, mobile devices accounted for more than 60% of Google search engine visits in 2019—up from 34% in 2014. […]

Trends In Ecommerce Automation

Trends In Ecommerce Automation

More and more, automation is taking over jobs and tasks formerly handled by people. While this trend is unfortunate for some, the benefits, for many, often outweigh the downsides. Reduced labor costs and faster production are strong inducements to automate. Not every business can do that, however. For some, it’s the cost of transition, while […]

Easy Steps To Address Email Accessibility

Easy Steps To Address Email Accessibility

Did you know that 9 out of 10 marketers use email marketing to distribute content organically? Email marketing campaigns can be compelling as they offer businesses an opportunity for advertising engagement using personalized and one-to-one communication with the clientele. Advertising Engagement Not everyone uses email marketing to its full potential because many people fail to […]

Fastest Way To Bring Website Traffic To Your Brand New Website

Fastest Way To Bring Website Traffic To Your Brand New Website

There are many ways you can effectively promote your website to a large audience and increase your web traffic. In this post, we’ll discuss the best methods a website should use to be successful, and your newly launched website generates the highest levels of website conversion. Best Ways to Bring Traffic to Your New Website […]

Increase Engagement On Your LinkedIn Company Page

Increase Engagement On Your LinkedIn Company Page

One of the most important social media platforms for professional networking is LinkedIn. It has approximately 740 million users and 55 million registered companies. Other platforms like Facebook are a combination of personal and professional information sharing. LinkedIn is focused on the professional side of things. Social Media Marketing With LinkedIn LinkedIn is an excellent […]

The 7-Second Website Conversion Test

The 7-Second Website Conversion Test

Engaging visitors on your website is key to converting those visitors into customers.  Turning visits into money is the goal of a business website.  Whether you are selling products or services, attracting paying customers is how to grow a business.  A website can only do that if your homepage is finetuned to attract the people […]

4 Tips For Your Twitter Strategy

4 Tips For Your Twitter Strategy

Though some may malign the content, Twitter remains a viable and valuable social media marketing tool. Like any tool, however, it’s only effective if used properly. To use Twitter effectively, it’s essential to make the most of the medium’s unique feature – the speed of content release to the audience. The downside to this is […]

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