We live in a world dominated by social media and online news sources. A business today cannot succeed without a solid online presence. It is impossible. Because your business’s digital presence is essential these days, you need to be in total control of it. Complacency can lead to less engagement and lost revenue. Fortunately, there are fixes. Below are five things your business should do to achieve online success and how a company like StickyLeads can keep you on track.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO needs a dedicated professional to deliver consistent growth and avoid disasters. Having a limited amount of knowledge and a risky plan won’t work. The world of SEO is constantly changing, and it requires a professional who is current and up-to-date with all those advances.

Pay-per-click (PPC)

Paid online advertising in the form of Pay-Per-Click systems like Google AdWords, boosted Facebook posts, and promoted Tweets needs a professional who knows which avenues will deliver the best return on investment. You do not want to throw money into ads that don’t pay off.

Good Hosting and Data Backups

Your hosting package needs to be robust enough to handle the demands of your growing business. Speed and availability by themselves are not enough. An expert in data backups and hosting can make sure your site is safe and secure. Without the proper maintenance and knowledge, a site crash could be disastrous.

Social Media

Social media must be well planned and researched to be effective. Today’s social media users do not have patience for long-winded or complicated content. Therefore, it is vital to have someone who can create ‘snackable content’ that is short and easy to understand from just a glance as users scroll through their feeds.

Website Support and Maintenance

Fixing and updating websites is time-consuming, and most of the changes may seem barely noticeable but are necessary to a successful online presence. A professional who stays on top of copyright notices, broken links and evaluates your site’s user experience can keep your site clean and efficient for visitors.


If you are looking for someone who can make sure you hit all five of the measures above, a company like StickyLeads is a great partner to have. We use precise targeting to create exceptionally creative and thoughtful marketing campaigns that utilize relevant keywords and intelligent analytics to help you reach your desired market quickly and effectively. Contact us at 757-390-0748 and see what we can do for you.