When it comes to website conversion, two of the more popular domains are Squarespace and WordPress. Both allow a company or individual to create a varied and versatile site to handle their needs. Both sites have their advantages and downsides, though, in the long term. WordPress tends to be the preferred site for people to use, but Squarespace has some distinct advantages.

Website Conversion Domains Compared


The greatest strength and biggest weakness of WordPress are how incredibly versatile and customizable it can be when properly used. WordPress allows the user to design and adjust their site in a wide variety of ways. Besides just customizing themes, users can add visual and audio content, ads, shops, and almost anything possible they would need for the site to generate views, revenue, and sales.

The downside to all those features is that some web design knowledge helps create a site on WordPress. The sheer amount of options and interfaces can be overwhelming and often dissuades some from taking advantage of all their features. Some might even avoid using the site altogether for those reasons.


Squarespace has an advantage in that it’s much easier to pick up and utilize. This simplicity makes it better suited for those new to creating a site or who don’t want all the extra features provided on a domain like WordPress. The downside to that is Squarespace isn’t as versatile and thus can’t as quickly support a growing site that would need such additional features later on.

Still, for uncomplicated sites that don’t require many involved features, Squarespace is certainly worth consideration. Overall, however, it’s hard not to look at WordPress as the superior website conversion provider. The versatility and customizable nature of WordPress mean that pretty much anyone can do what they need. Though many bloggers use WordPress, it can do much more than that for those with the knowledge to take advantage of WordPress’s many features to build and perfect their website.

Squarespace may not be as versatile, but it’s a good start and easy to use. WordPress can be as involved or as simple as the user desires, and that means it has room for growth to suit the needs of expanding sites and companies. This growth potential is one reason WordPress is the superior domain, though it does take some effort to take advantage of its many features.


Are you unsure which domain to use for the best website conversion? StickyLeads can help. Our experts can review your present and future business needs and give you a recommendation. Contact us at 757-390-0748 and see what we can do for you.