Preparing websites for business can be an involved process. This difficulty is genuine for your website’s links and connections through advertisements. While a great way to generate business, website conversion can prove more problematic than anticipated if not done correctly.

Website Conversion

A big part of directing traffic from ads is understanding the terminology. Homepages and landing pages are the two main website pages to track. Both are vital to an online enterprise, but they also have different goals. In simple terms, a homepage is the base site for your enterprise. A landing page is where a link in an advertisement or blog post leads to a page determined by said link.


One mistake is having links in advertisements take a customer to the homepage. As the name implies, a homepage is the starting point of your online business endeavor. It’s where new users and prospective clients see what you have at a glance. It’s the elevator pitch of your business. It needs to be general and easy to navigate to other pages on your site or domain so that the curious can learn more and make decisions.

Landing Pages

However, landing pages should have a much tighter, controlled goal. If the homepage is the elevator pitch, a landing page is a proposal for a job. Leading to the homepage through landing pages can be less than ideal. A useful landing page places the offer on the table related to the link that brought the user to the website. Landing pages are where you’ll make conversions.

Know the Difference

The home and landing pages do, unfortunately, get mixed rather frequently. Many links in ads and blogs lead to the general, all-purpose homepage instead of a more specific page, which would increase the likelihood of sales. Homepages need to be generalized because anyone and their mother can stumble upon them or look them up via a quick search. Landing pages have the chance to specialize the site based on the ad or blog you’ve commissioned to garner sales. The increased website conversion potential for landing pages is vital for online advertisement. It’s also why it’s essential to know the difference between a landing page and a homepage and create ad content for each.


Are you still confused or want to know more about the effective use of landing pages? The website conversion experts at StickyLeads are here to help. We’ll recommend ways to use your advertising dollars wisely. Call 757-390-0748.