The internet has become such a vital advertisement tool that it’s difficult to form a proper marketing campaign without taking the World Wide Web into account. While advertising is an integral part of most companies’ budgets, the costs involved can get pretty hefty. This expense is actual for most methods of marketing. Designing, planning, and distributing marketing materials can quickly eat up a lot of funds. Online advertising is no exception, as digital ads still cost money to create and distribute.
Online Advertising
Finding a bargain that still garners results can be a welcome boon to any online advertisement effort, but the savings still need to result in successful clicks, views, and sales. When it comes to the best bang for the buck when it comes to online advertising, Google AdWords is the best deal with the best results.
Google AdWords
From a cost per thousand impressions standpoint, Google AdWords is considered one of the cheapest forms of advertising available, both on and off the web. Cost per impressions indicates advertising cost versus results because it’s one of the most specific metrics to measure online and offline. The data is easy to find and graph, and the results clearly show on a cost basis the superior affordability of Google AdWords. Affordable advertising success is only possible if the advertising is marketed, targeted, and created correctly. This statement is true of all ad campaigns, naturally, but it’s worth keeping in mind. Such issues are especially true for those who wish to take full advantage of the low impression costs of Google AdWords. It’s also worth considering where the money saved on cheaper and more effective adverts can be used.
Making better ads is one option, as is pursuing more advertisements or similar uses for the savings. Saving money by utilizing Google AdWords means that there’s more money to put towards marketing in general, especially in the ads themselves.
Measurable Metrics
Cost per impressions is a reliable way to measure advertising success, and by that metric, Google AdWords is one of the most affordable and effective methods available. Though it still takes work to create profitable ads and target them successfully, the savings accrued from Google AdWords means more funds for marketing or other company needs. Its low cost means Google AdWords requires minimal investment to test out to see if the results firsthand, so companies that can afford to do so should see for themselves if it works.
Contact StickLeads
Want to see how Google AdWords can boost your business? We can help. Contact StickLeads, and we can show you the results. Call 757-390-0748.