Adopting alanding page only” digital marketing strategy to get opt-ins and drive sales with aggressive CTAs (call to actions) may sound easy and great for conversion—but it doesn’t cut it in the long term. Instead, every business needs a website with a high-quality and great converting home page. A well-designed website should precede any marketing or lead generation efforts. Here is how to increase your website conversion rate.

Website Conversion: Homepage vs. Landing Page

What is a landing page? And how is it different from a homepage? In digital marketing, a landing page is defined as a standalone web page designed with the sole focus on convincing someone to take a single action. It’s where visitors ‘land’ after clicking on an ad elsewhere.

On the other hand, a website homepage is typically looking to highlight the purpose, services, and benefits of a business. It tells visitors who you are, what you have to offer, why you are different, and the next step to take. In a nutshell, a homepage helps build trust with potential customers.

Why You Need a Website with a High-Quality Homepage

The importance of a homepage for sustainable website conversion is explained by the Zero Moment of Truth (a concept coined by Google). It suggests that customers who land on your web page (i.e., people in the First Moment of Truth) tend to take a step backward to clarify whether you are trustworthy.

When customers step back to learn more about a company, but they discover that there’s no website, they’re likely to lose trust. Some questions that may arise in their minds include: “Why doesn’t this company have a website?” “Are they trustworthy?” “Why are they cutting corners?” “How am I supposed to give them my money when there’s barely enough information about what they have to offer?”

Thriving in the online marketplace is more than shoving CTAs down the throats of prospects via landing pages – you also need to build trust with a high-quality homepage. According to the 2019 Edelman Trust Barometer, 7 out of every 10 customers are likely to stop buying a well-marketed product if they don’t trust the company behind it.

A website homepage helps build customer trust by explaining your services/products, improving SEO, and highlighting the brand’s voice.


What is the takeaway? Having a high-converting landing page is excellent. But it’s not enough. To take your website conversion and business to the next level, you need a homepage. Think of it as a partnership that minimizes lead leakage while positioning your business for long-term growth by building trust with prospects. For more on the best practices and strategies to improve your website conversion, contact StickyLeads at (757) 390-0748.